Sunday, September 20, 2009

Baby Quilt

Sooooo, haven't done a quilt since the one I made for Edward when he was still a twinkle, and now, too late, I find that quilting has come into the 21st century along with everything else. But me? I'm stuck in the 80's. However, my newest grand-baby will be strictly up to date.

Could be worse, I'm thinking, as I could be stuck in the 70's or 60's, but back in the 80's good scissors were still a tool that was cool. Now, if you don't own a roto-cutter and a self healing cutting board, you are in the dust. A 21st century quilt is expected to be exact. A 21st century quilter is expected to be precise.

Additionally I'm told that the squares, well, nearly squares, that I made are not really baby appropriate and my expert would rip most of it apart, down to the size a baby would appreciate.

So my conundrum: Should I just start over and save the really nice, even if I do say so myself, sort-of-squares for an interesting, if unfortunately skewed, larger quilt? Or do as she suggests and rip, rip rip? I'm leaning to a new start with new tools. After all I have learned tons from this and I like what I have done.

I like unfortunately skewed anyhow, sort of a metaphor for life. Anytime I have to explain my metaphors, they are probably not that effective. Story of...

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