Sunday, September 27, 2009

Quilt on Second Thought

After thinking for a week that I really didn't have, my chioce is...
This is the location of a drum roll, or one verse of "Scotland the Brave"-
To just go ahead and do what I was going to do anyway before I went around hunting up compliments from my husband and justification from Kaye, my quilting expert.
Decided to use the photo option this time just to spice up the blog a bit. It is not sewn together yet, so this is just an approximation.
I don't really care anymore what anyone thinks. The beauty of this blog is that no one reads it, so I can say anything I want and get things out without critical worry. Where I live a blog can spark tons of criticism and many arguments. Right now there is a big debate going on about authentic criticism of local theater. Lots of raw feelings about this. Don't think personal feelings about my quilting decisions will have quite the ability to spark a fire.
Of all the uses for blogs, I think this one is best. Say what I want for anyone to read, so not just writing a letter then burning it, but knowing that it will remain a rant!

1 comment:

Carola Nix said...

You are wrong, some people are reading your blog. I am not a big quilter, having made only one in my life, so I will not comment on the quilt other than I like the colors! Carola
P.S. Come see me sometime: