Friday, April 2, 2010

Woo, Woo, Day Two

April 2

Day two of NaPoWriMo, and I have a second poem. Crazy.


the well crafted poem
is nothing like this lived life
wild erratic
swing escapade
now noticeably staid
now whistling wild whipped
bouncing from metaphor to metaphor

not reason bound or language tied
nothing pinned
I sew with abandon
dance without style or preformed rhythm
a never to be repeated samba
the untrimmed seams of the untrained seamstress

can't sell this
no one would buy
but do I want to sell, really

if I could work a miracle
with a watercolor pencil
and fine line pen

if I could train my life
into beginning, middle, end

where would I say
this finds me

mid-stitch, deep in a dip
can I even sort the meteoric twists

can't slow down now
tuck a dew rag into my shorts
and take off once again

how the street does change
mid-morning to mid-night

wisteria blooms
forsythia blossoms fall

the rain washes pollen
from the front porch

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